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EMU Faculty of Architecture, Department of Architecture Carries Out a Social Responsibility Project on 1 June World Children’s Day

EMU Faculty of Architecture, Department of Architecture Carries Out a Social Responsibility Project on 1 June World Children’s Day
Published Date: Saturday, 3 June 2023

On 1 June World Children's Day, Eastern Mediterranean University (EMU), Faculty of Architecture, Department of Architecture, in collaboration with EMU Academic Trade Union (DAUSEN), EMU Faculty of Tourism, and EMU Urban Research and Development Center (URDC), prepared a social responsibility project in line with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

Within the scope of the elective course titled "UN Sustainable Development Goals: An Interdisciplinary Approach for the Future of our Planet," offered by the Department of Architecture, a visit was organized to Famagusta Şehit Osman Ahmet Primary School. The visit aimed to contribute to the global goals, namely no poverty (SDG1), zero hunger (SDG2), good health and well-being (SDG3), quality education (SDG4), and reduced inequalities (SDG10) by students from various departments participating in the elective course, with the support of DAUSEN, EMU Faculty of Tourism, and EMU-URDC. As part of the visit, breakfast was provided to 250 students studying at Famagusta Şehit Osman Ahmet Primary School.


During the visit, coordinated by Prof. Dr. Şebnem Hoşkara, the coordinator of the aforesaid elective course, academic staff of the Department of Architecture, and the Director of EMU URDC, a poster introducing the Sustainable Development Goals, prepared by the students of the elective course, was presented as a gift to Şehit Osman Ahmet Primary School. In addition, the students from the elective course had the opportunity to interact with the 5th-grade students, informing them about the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.


Prof. Dr. Hoşkara, who organized the event together with her students, emphasized that EMU is an important asset for Gazimağusa and Northern Cyprus in every aspect. Highlighting that universities are at the forefront of institutions that can provide solutions to the environmental degradation and societal issues we face today, Prof. Dr. Hoşkara emphasized the importance of conducting research in universities to support sustainable development, designing and implementing all activities in line with the Sustainable Development Goals, and ensuring that it is structured in a way that raises awareness among all segments of society. In this context, Prof. Dr. Hoşkara expressed that universities have a greater responsibility due to their critical influence on the attitudes and behaviors of future generations and their role in guiding society. Prof. Dr. Hoşkara also thanked the students in her class for developing and engaging in this social responsibility project.

İlkay Karcı Dereboylu, the Principal of Şehit Osman Ahmet Primary School, expressed gratitude to EMU and the students for their meaningful support of their school. Stating that environmental awareness and social consciousness start at a young age, Dereboylu emphasized the significance of any contribution in that regard.

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