Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all​

Between 2000 and 2016, the number of people with electricity increased from 78 to 87 percent, and the numbers without electricity dipped to just below one billion.

Yet as the population continues to grow, so will the demand for cheap energy, and an economy reliant on fossil fuels is creating drastic changes to our climate.

Investing in solar, wind and thermal power, improving energy productivity, and ensuring energy for all is vital if we are to achieve SDG 7 by 2030.

Expanding infrastructure and upgrading technology to provide clean and more efficient energy in all countries will encourage growth and help the environment.

EMU is working for affordable and clean energy: Solar Panels at EMU Campus

Awareness of the environment is one of EMU's fundamental values and as stated in our mission statement EMU strives to provide solutions for regional and international problems with a sense of social responsibility. EMU's Solar Energy Field Project is one of many of EMU's actions to create a more sustainable way of life where humanity can coexist with nature. 

PDF (Report in Turkish)

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