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EMU Dr. Fazıl Küçük Medicine Faculty Releases a Statement on 20 October World Osteoporosis Day

EMU Dr. Fazıl Küçük Medicine Faculty Releases a Statement on 20 October World Osteoporosis Day
Published Date: Friday, 21 October 2022

Eastern Mediterranean University (EMU) Dr. Fazıl Küçük Medicine Faculty academic staff member and Marmara University Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Major academic staff member Assoc. Prof. Dr. Canan Şanal Toprak released a statement on the occasion of 20 October, World Osteoporosis Day. The statement reads as follow:

“Osteoporosis is an important systemic disease with a decrease in the quantity, quality and strength of bones and an increased risk of fracture.

Although it is generally known as a disease of postmenopausal women and old age, it can also be seen in young individuals and men with risk factors for bone health, and even after a simple fall or impact, it greatly increases the risk of breaking a bone. As the life expectancy increases day by day, the development of osteoporosis and osteoporosis-related fractures is increasing.

These fractures can cause pain, disability, postural disorders and many problems that make daily activities extremely difficult. The disease generally has no specific symptoms. Therefore, many patients do not know they have osteoporosis until they have a fracture, and even after an osteoporosis fracture, about 80 percent of patients do not receive a diagnosis and treatment for osteoporosis. That's why osteoporosis is described as a "silent" disease.

Unfortunately, according to the International Osteoporosis Foundation, one in every three women above 50 years and one in every five men will experience a fracture due to osteoporosis during their lifetimes. For this reason, 20 October is referred as “World Osteoporosis Day” with the intention of drawing attention and raising awareness about this common and important disease.

Osteoporosis is a serious condition but it should be kept in mind that it can be prevented and treated. You can also help protect and improve your bone health with a healthy and balanced diet and regular exercise, and you can make your treatment more effective with early diagnosis by meeting with your doctor in terms of osteoporosis risk factors, screening and diagnosis.

Let’s take a step for your bone health on the 20th of October, World Osteoporosis Day!”

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